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Job #5862

sharply outlined depression w/ crease - this was a foreign object, NOT fatigue!

inject Marine Urethane to stabilize EPS core where soft & crunchy

grind away fractured material; find NO veneer, NO Carbon; find Corecell instead of Divinycell; find some sort of factory patch (purple arrow)

all fractured material removed; edges beveled for new inner glass and Corecell

unfortunate butt joint in the Corecell (sure wish the factory would place those in structurally less significant areas!)
all ready for first round of vacuum-bagging
new inner glass & Corecell vacuum-bagged
new Corecell feathered out, everything taped off for new outer glass
glassed over w/ well-staggered 3x 4oz cloth
new outer glass feathered out - nice and fair, yes?
faired & texture filled w/ VC Epoxy fairing compound
primed, sanded, washed, and taped off - all ready for paint
painted, pad glued back down, non-skidded, and bathed
minus some graphics, but otherwise ready to roll again. total weight gain 1/2oz

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